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Main Pop Girl

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OMG, amazing.

OMG i should've known you'd like it, it's versace for h&m!

If I were younger I would go for something more wild, but alas I pretty much only own suits and button ups. I guess patterned ties are as wild as I get.

Stores: H&M, Zara, ExpressMen

Ooooh, nice! Everyone likes a man in a suit! ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...


Yeah I know a bit small but you get the idea. :P

Omg, I love that one! I have these three:

[img width=600 height=600]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_IRitj8NRhcA/TCHXgTmUQuI/AAAAAAAABUQ/mbC1jd-fR_U/s1600/BGCTLG18.JPG

[img width=600 height=600] Lady_Gaga_Rainbow_White_Shirt2_LG.jpg

[img width=650 height=650]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-3fVTjEzDs_k/UAVE7Zyat2I/AAAAAAAAAxk/F-20rDyGxNg/s1600/BGCTLG141.JPG

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  • 11 months later...

Ugh, I wish I could rock skinny jeans properly. :'( I wear them anyway but my thighs are too fat, it's gross!

What's funny is, when I was in grade school, it was all about baggy jeans, but I only had fitting jeans. Now, a decade later, skinny jeans are back into fashion from the 70's. Funny how these things work.

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