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The Drag Queen Thread


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I'm making this thread because I'm a drag queen in training.. obviously, with my love for Amelia Lily, I'm doing a tribute to her, going by the name AmHElia Lily. I'm looking to find certain jewelry pieces for my drag and was hoping that if I post them here, you guys can help me locate them online. 

I'm looking for the necklace in this image, the one that is kinda square and has a bluey/black look to it. I already have the dress and I'm getting the spiky necklace soon :) 


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18 minutes ago, Countess said:

How did you get into it? Did a friend introduce you or did you literally just rock up to the clubs one day as her? :hail: 

I actually used to never understand drag, I thought it was weird. But I became friends with a guy in Ireland and we used to Skype a lot. He introduced me to Drag Race and we'd watch it online together, that's when I became more accepting of drag. Now that I understand how liberating drag can be, I decided I wanted to do drag. When I was introduced to Amelia, I never imagined impersonating her, that just came along recently, so from there I started planning my look.

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3 hours ago, AmeliaLilyOnline said:

I actually used to never understand drag, I thought it was weird. But I became friends with a guy in Ireland and we used to Skype a lot. He introduced me to Drag Race and we'd watch it online together, that's when I became more accepting of drag. Now that I understand how liberating drag can be, I decided I wanted to do drag. When I was introduced to Amelia, I never imagined impersonating her, that just came along recently, so from there I started planning my look.

Aren't you scared of not being accepted by society or the people close to you?

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5 hours ago, AmeliaLilyOnline said:

I actually used to never understand drag, I thought it was weird. But I became friends with a guy in Ireland and we used to Skype a lot. He introduced me to Drag Race and we'd watch it online together, that's when I became more accepting of drag. Now that I understand how liberating drag can be, I decided I wanted to do drag. When I was introduced to Amelia, I never imagined impersonating her, that just came along recently, so from there I started planning my look.

I know what you mean about not understanding drag. For me, it was like I feel like if you wanna put on a dress and makeup, you should just be able to do that without having to call yourself a female impersonator. :stretcher: And even now I still feel like there's really no distinction between people out of drag and their dressed up alter egos, so what's the point of calling it a character? But there's definitely an art behind it as well. <3 

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