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Exclusive: Interview With Lolene!

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Hey you guys!

So if you’ve been following us on Twitter you’ll know we’ve recently scored an exclusive interview with the lovely Lolene!

We’ve been huge fans of Miss Foo Foo ever since ‘Sexy People’ was first released, so we’re really excited to get to know her even better and see what she’s been up to since her last album, She’s Got A Pulse!

Even better, we want you to send in some questions for Lola herself! Let us know what you want to ask Lolene and your question could be sent to the Queen of Disco herself!

To send in a question, simply comment on our blog or forum and let us know what you want asked. Don’t wait too long though – we’ll be sending her a list of questions in about five days, so you better get moving!

See you there!


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I just want to know about her session with Lindsay Godhan, and if she recorded other track and if we can get her demo of Too Young Too Die?

We have to know about her work with Guetta

PHF exclusives please!

I mean, those two along with every other effing song she's ever written and hidden from the world.

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  • 2 months later...

OMG. :stretcher: I have no idea how I got that so wrong!

I blame TCW. He was the one who edited the interview and he didn't even tell me I'd make a mistake. It's a conspiracy!

#BanTCW #Alex4Mod

I totally didn't even catch that. I just knew I didn't want my name used.

PS: Mo wrote the original draft, I just did minor edits. No name changing here! ;)

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